My Natural Health - Discover the Secrets to Success
>> Monday, March 29, 2010
Firstly, your diet. Most people have a poor diet, rich in cooked food, animal protein and processed food. Once you realise that these are foods to cut back on drastically, or avoid altogether, then you can slowly begin to incorporate the measures into your diet, at your own pace and in your own way. Cooked foods alters and destroys vital nutrients. Raw food is more nutritious.
Animal protein makes your body acidic. Ideally your pH should be neutral. In addition, animal protein is practically all cooked, so can provide a double problem for your natural health. Processed food is stripped of their naturally complimentary nutrients, vital to a healthy digestion. For example, white sugar is stripped (using heat) of all the minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that are essential to properly and easily digest and utilise it.
Synthetic 'foods', such as sweeteners, flavours, colours, preservatives, minerals, vitamins and other supplements are not naturally digested and can cause immense harm to your body. For example synthetic calcium can cause kidney stones and abnormal bone growths. A diet high in fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds, (especially raw)with only the occasional deviation, is likely to keep you naturally healthy as well as reverse many existing problems.
Your choice of health care will go a long way to maintaining your natural good health. Medical drugs and vaccines tend to lower your immune system. A natural modality of health care, such as homeopathy, works by raising your immune system. Which do you think will give you better, long term good health?

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